OFFF UNMASKED A new art book celebrating the 15th edition of Barcelona’s OFFF festival is as unique as the event itself. Featuring contributions from renowned illustrators and graphic designers, OFFF Unmasked is a journey into a parallel world, portraying the OFFF community as a mysterious cult with its own legends and rituals. Readers must peer behind the layers of myth to discover the real story of OFFF, its founders and its early supporters. The approach is in tune with the ethos of OFFF, which has always invited its guests to look beneath the surface of creativity. The book’s host and mascot is Dr. Urgil Vataar, an academic who has made exposing the cult of OFFF his life’s work. This is the first time he has publically detailed his efforts to disentangle truth from fiction. The book was designed by Barcelona design studio Vasava in close collaboration with the OFFF team. It will be given away free to all those who attend the event, making it an extremely premium souvenir indeed.